Buffalo Trace 750 ML
Buffalo Trace 750 ML is the perfect size for those who appreciate a classic, well-balanced bourbon. This award-winning spirit delivers a delightful mix of vanilla, toffee, and candied fruit, with a touch of oak for a smooth, satisfying finish.
Ideal for sipping neat, on the rocks, or in your favorite cocktail, Buffalo Trace 750 ML embodies the tradition and craftsmanship of one of the most revered distilleries in the world.
Local Delivery: For customers in Chicago and the surrounding suburbs, we offer delivery within 24-72 hours. If you need your order sooner, same-day delivery is available—just contact us to arrange it.
Pick-Up Option: You can also pick up your order from our St. Charles and Lincoln Park IL locations. Just select the pick-up option at checkout or let us know, and we’ll have it ready for you.